A Searchlight reader reports on yesterday’s events in Plymouth
At least two hundred fascists faced us last night, and I would estimate three hundred antifascist protestors were present, including a core group prepared to meet the fascists head on, if needed.
The Stand Up To Racism counter-demo began at 6pm in Guildhall Square, and there was already a notable fash presence, despite their own demo (riot) not being due to start until 7pm. The police presence was light, and we were forced to repel a number of fash that attempted to infiltrate to heckle and attack speakers.
As the clock ticked towards 7, more and more police vehicles began to surround us, but worryingly, we seemed to have small groups of fash on all four sides of us, just standing around monitoring us, seemingly unnoticed or ignored by the police. Some – who we assume were organisers – appeared to be communicating with ear-pieces. Just before 7, it became apparent there was a very large fascist presence moving south towards us from Armada Way. They were stopped by a line of police, and chanting began from both sides. As far as I could tell, they were completely drowned out by our side.
Towards 8pm, the lead fash elements began to try and break clear of the police, making their way east along Royal Parade, our small group followed them to prevent them breaking through to the main counter-demo – and found ourselves directly face to face with them, with punches being thrown at us for a few moments, until the police managed to get back in between us again. A stand-off then ensued on the corner of Whimple Street, and before long we found ourselves under a barrage of beer cans, bottles and rocks the size of my hand. Multiple people around me went down in need of medical attention.

The fash then moved to the opposite end of Armada Way, towards the Theatre Royal, attempting to get around the police to get at us again. We continued to shadow them, and again had to meet them head on before the police could separate us. A giant antifascist faced multiple attackers alone, protecting those behind him, and despite his injuries, was back amongst us with a smile on his face moments later.
The fash then began chucking more rocks and flares at us, but continued to be drowned out by our chanting. At around 9pm, the stewards decided to call an end to the counter protest, leaving those of us that remained heavily outnumbered and under a barrage of missiles, and probably in trouble of being overrun without the police presence. Multiple people close to me took blows from rocks and coins thrown from the north side of Royal Parade, the fash then brought out some fireworks – and hit themselves with them far more than they hit us, prompting much laughter from our side. They began to look increasingly demoralised, despite a core group still throwing projectiles at us and trying to start chants.
Towards 10pm, the police forced the fash back up Armada Way, putting them out of projectile range. By half 10, we couldn’t see them, and the remaining antifascist group began to thin out.
We held the square throughout, and the fash left frustrated, but it’s clear we’re going to have to do it all again in the very near future.
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