Well, Calvin Robinson, the batshit and increasingly self-important preacher, thought he was being so funny, and so clever, when he topped off a speech to the far-right Pro-Life Summit in Washington DC by mimicking Elon Musk’s nazi salute. He left the stage to wild applause, grinning smugly. Unfortunately for him, there were others who didn’t […]
Let’s stomp on all child rapists, not just those whose ethnicity irks Tory-Reform swing voters.
Conservative Party leader Kemi Badenoch leapt on to Twitter/X yesterday to demand a national public inquiry into what she called the “rape gangs scandal”. It seemed rather odd timing on her part, with much of the world’s media – and population – focused on New Year’s terrorism outrages in New Orleans and Las Vegas. But […]
Will ‘new wave’ Christian nationalists be the death of Britain First in 2025?
As so-called ‘Christian Nationalism’ begins to grip the far right in Britain, Mark Scholl asks how long Paul Golding’s Britain First can struggle on with support ebbing away to the newly energised and potentially dangerous ‘Christian’ UKIP under Nick Tenconi. It wasn’t quite the dead parrot of Pythonesque fame but multiple departures from UKIP at […]
The UKIP plan to run Tommy Robinson for Parliament – as more Robinson supporters pack party NEC
The growing unity between Tommy Robinson’s racist ‘cultural movement’ and UKIP proceeds apace with a full-fledged embrace only held up by Robinson’s incarceration. UKIP ‘leader’ Nick Tenconi has now announced that the party wants to run Robinson as a UKIP candidate in the next general election. And, meanwhile, two more prominent Robinson supporters have been […]
Anniversary of a fascist outrage – and how the NF lauded the man behind it
Fifty five years ago today, in December 1969, members of the Italian fascist terror group Ordine Nuovo detonated a bomb at the Banca Nazionale dell’Agricoltura, in Piazza Fontana in Milan, killing 17 people and wounding 88 more. Other bombs were planted in Milan and Rome on the same day. It was a key moment in […]
Homeland Party recruit fires up old far right rivalries
As we reported yesterday, the Traditional Britain Group (TBG) will tonight welcome Pete North (above), an ex-UKIP activist and recent recruit to the fascist Homeland Party, as guest speaker at its Christmas party in central London. North’s rightward drift has already caused fierce reactions among Homeland’s former comrades in Patriotic Alternative. PA’s deputy leader Laura […]