Remember we mentioned a couple of days ago that there was wild talk from the fringe about Tommy Robinson possibly being a Kremlin asset. You thought we were making it up, didn’t you? Well, it just became a bit less wild or fringe – and it’s got Yaxley-Lennon twitching again.
Former MI6 agent Christopher Steele has been talking to The Guardian. “Steele said security officials would be ‘looking at things like their travel movements, who they’ve been in touch with, monetary transfers, and so on, because that will reveal or not, as the case may be, a pattern of behaviour, which can lead to some conclusions about the degree to which Russia has been interfering in this situation’.”
The ’they’ he’s talking about? Step forward Tommy Robinson and Nigel Farage. We have yet to hear from the Fuhrage, but it’s already got TR in a bit of a lather; he’s online today denouncing Steel as “a professional liar and propagandist”.
What do we think? Well, we still don’t really believe it. But we do enjoy the idea of The Fugitive and Frottage sweating on, er, spooky possibilities.’
The Guardian article is here: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/aug/11/far-right-disorder-had-clear-russian-involvement-says-ex-mi6-spy