The last NEC meeting of the increasingly Tommy Robinson-adjacent UKIP was entertaining for a number of reasons, not least of all the list of candidates approved for the next parliamentary election, a list which did not even survive the publication of the minutes. Ten candidates were rubber-stamped by the newly constituted NEC. Sadly, two of […]
Homeland announce ‘literary giant’ as star turn at £40-a-head remigration snoozefest
“We will make ‘remigration’ the word of 2025,” boasts Homeland’s Kenny Smith. Well, we’re probably going over the top in calling it a boast. In far-right terms, it probably already is the word of the year. The world and his frau seem to be using it ad nauseam. Ah! But the rest are not using […]
UKIP slavering at prospect of Musk money
Two people who will be watching the news a little nervously this weekend are UKIP’s Chairman Ben ‘Rogue Builder’ Walker and Nick ‘The Kick’ Tenconi, the brace of convicted criminals who run the party. They have been going about with a bit of a spring in their step recently, since news came from across the […]
Panic in Collett country as Patriotic Alternative nervously awaits BBC undercover investigation
In the 1980s, it was widely rumoured and widely believed that all you needed to get into a Mark 2 Ford Escort was an old tennis ball, an old car key, or plenty of will power. Today, it requires rather less to infiltrate Patriotic Alternative. The latest disaster for the Collett / Melia combine is […]
“I’ll tell you who most despises so-called ‘Muslim grooming gangs’ – honest-to-goodness Muslims”
By Amir Mohammed, Senior Searchlight researcher You probably don’t notice or think about it a lot of the time, but one of us may well be your doctor, your nurse, carer, teacher, delivery guy, train, bus or taxi driver. Or perhaps we are the owner of the small business or shop that you visit on […]
Reform MPs out to smear all British-Pakistani men
In yesterday’s Children’s debate in the House of Commons, Nigel Farage treated us to this revealing little outburst: ”What we need, and are calling for, is a rifle-shot inquiry that looks specifically at the question: to what extent were gangs of Pakistani men raping young white girls?” Nothing could more clearly illustrate the core point […]