STEVE SILVER spotlights the role of trade unions in countering fascism VISITORS TO TRANSPORT UNION RMT headquarters in London can see a plaque with the names of over 100 rail workers and seafarers who volunteered to fight fascism in Spain, many of whom never returned. This article is an abridged extract from a new pamphlet […]
Trade union
Italian far-right group leaders arrested after violent clashes in Rome
Roberto Fiore, along with 11 other Forza Nuova members were arrested on Saturday after demonstrating against coronavirus measures and later wrecking the premises of CGIL trade union federation. Read online at The here
Shrewsbury 24: Ricky Tomlinson among picketers to have convictions quashed by Court of Appeal over 1972 strike
The convictions have been overturned in the Court of Appeal today after a decades long campaign Ricky Tomlinson has said “This was a political trial not just of me and the Shrewsbury pickets, but was a trial of the trade union movement.” Read more here
PCS statement on the policing bill
There are many concerns about the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill that has passed its second reading in the House of Commons and therefore continues its passage before the House of Lords. PCS, the trade union representing civil servants has issued a statement outlining their main concerns. Read the statement on the PCS website […]
High Court urged to overturn PM’s decision to stand by Priti Patel
The High Court must overturn Boris Johnson’s decision that Home Secretary Priti Patel did not breach government rules on behaviour, a union says. Read full article on the BBC website here
Mobilisation Day called on 18th February 2021 by SUTR and TUC for UN Anti-Racism Day on 20/3
Mobilisation Day called on 18th February 2021 by SUTR and TUC for UN Anti-Racism Day on 20/3 With 38 days to go, the TUC and Stand up To Racism have called for a day of mobilisation for UN Anti Racism Day on Thursday 18th February to build awareness and participation for activities on 20th March. […]