By Amir Mohammed, Senior Searchlight researcher You probably don’t notice or think about it a lot of the time, but one of us may well be your doctor, your nurse, carer, teacher, delivery guy, train, bus or taxi driver. Or perhaps we are the owner of the small business or shop that you visit on […]
Research and analysis
Britain First: The end of the road?
As the party lurches from defeat to disaster, Mark Scholl wonders how much longer its leader, Paul Golding, can continue to kid enough people to fund his futile activities In 2016, Paul Golding and his ex‑girlfriend Jayda Fransen were able to lead several hundred supporters through Rotherham in a protest against so-called grooming gangs. This […]
A shifting kaleidoscope: the state of Britain’s far right at the end of 2024
The current crop of extremist parties and hangers-on follows the same pattern of chopping and changing alliances as in the past. Among this year’s newbies is the Homeland Party, which may – or may not – have prospects. Paul Gale reports This autumn sees Britain’s far-right facing fundamental choices. Searchlight has monitored the usual personal […]
Is ’two-tier policing’ real? Perhaps – but not in the sense the far right means
On 19 October the far right were granted their post-Southport riots martyr when Peter Lynch died at Moorland Prison. Lynch, aged 61, was just eight weeks into a sentence of two years and eight months for his part in the riot at the Holiday Inn Express in Manvers, Rotherham, on 4 August. The cause of […]
Homeland Party conference report: oddballs, conspiracy theorists, Tory boys, nazis, racists, libertarians, pro-Russians, pro-Ukrainians, Brexiteers, one man and his dog….
Last weekend in the unlikely setting of a Derbyshire parish hall, the Homeland Party made its big pitch to be the future of the British far right. This is a party that by its own records had only 251 members before this conference, but it’s already overtaking its rivals Patriotic Alternative (from which Homeland split […]
Nothing funny about this Tony Hancock
A nostalgic post on Facebook yesterday, from Mark Cottrell (above, right), editor-in-chief of the self-styled nazi ‘intellectual’ rag, Heritage and Destiny: “I was in Uckfield in East Sussex yesterday” he writes, “so it would have been rude not to pop by and have a look at the old Tony Hancock Print Shop, which was used […]