Never let it be said that UKIP doesn’t offer unique opportunities for speedy advancement.
After the election in May of Leader Lois Perry, who had only recently joined the party, and her replacement by Nick Tenconi, a similarly novice recruit, recently announced appointments to the National Executive Committee also boast a sprinkling of brand spanking new party members.
As we suggested in an earlier report, the fact that elections were not recently help for the many recently vacated NEC positions probably meant that the number of candidates was at most equal to the number of vacancies. That turns out to have been the case.
So, Chairman Ben ‘Rogue Builder’ Walker, has announced that 11 new NEC members have been appointed. And his announcement includes the startling new provision for NEC member with no previous NEC experience to be put on probation for 12 months, because, he says, some of them are also new members. There is no provision in the party constitution for provisonal NEC members but, hey ho, this is the new UKIP, run by a pair of convicted criminals.
It does, of course, ensures that these positions – which also mean being a Director of UKIP ltd – remain in Walker’s gift. Anyone playing up and causing difficulty can be disposed of with little fuss.
One of those put on probation is the batshit preacher, Calvin Robinson, who will doubtless be playing his full role in running a UK political party from his parish in West Michigan.
Also appointed is Richard Inman (pictured with his chums, the convicted UKIP fraudster Dan Morgan, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon and Lawrence Fox), a well known far right activist and ‘Tommy Robinson’ devotee, who comes with the sort of pedigree which guarantees he will slot right into the UKIP leadership group. Indeed, he brings a skill set which will make him an invaluable addition to Nick Tenconi and Ben Walker’s team: only last year he received a suspended prison sentence for sending threatening messages to his local MP.
Inman told the court: “I just lost the plot with everything” – another quality which will ensure his seamless integration into the party leadership.