While we are not hugely surprised to see that Traditional Britain Group (TBG) have unveiled Pete ‘No Dick’ North (above) as the star turn at their annual Christmas social this Saturday (7 December), we are a touch puzzled at quite how coy they are about his current affiliations.
‘Our honoured guest speaker on this occasion is Pete North, a “political analyst and writer”,’ they announce, using quote marks in the kind of way that suggests they are not quite sure that they wish to associate themselves with this description of No Dick. (The nickname is said to be used to differentiate him from his more famous Eurosceptic father, Richard ‘Doctor Dick’ North, though we are not entirely convinced by this winky explanation).
Though theoretically still a card-carrying Conservative, North also seems to have been compiling some kind of Nat C manifesto at the behest of members of the new self-appointed UKIP regime, and yet to have actually joined Homeland Party, the slightly less blatantly nazi spin-off from Patriotic Alternative. Before actually signing up, he was a featured speaker at Homeland’s annual conference at the end of September. No mention of any of this in the TBG Xmas social announcement, perhaps unsurprisingly.

It is rumoured that other Homeland members will be among the 70+ swill-slurpers at Saturday’s yuletide bash, as indeed there were at TBG’s annual conference in London in October. Homeland leader Kenny Smith graced that particular occasion.
TBG do like to portray themselves as some kind of bridge or interchange among nationalists (one wag dubs them the ‘Mono-Cultured Swap Shop’ – a jocular reference to a 1970s kids’ TV show), so we should not be too surprised to see them hosting guests of various denominations. But there are murmurings of attempts to promote some kind of cosying up of a selection of non-Reform far-right factions.
It will be interesting to see if anyone is caught drunkenly snogging under the mistletoe at this nationalist equivalent of an office Christmas party. Though granted the calibre of some attendees, our money is on it being more of an ‘I’m going to make a photocopy of my arse’ affair.
Read more about TBG, Homeland and other splinter groups at