“We will make ‘remigration’ the word of 2025,” boasts Homeland’s Kenny Smith. Well, we’re probably going over the top in calling it a boast. In far-right terms, it probably already is the word of the year. The world and his frau seem to be using it ad nauseam.
Ah! But the rest are not using it quite as megaphonically as the Legoland leader, apparently. “Others only whisper it for now,” he claims, not particularly convincingly. We can’t say we’ve ever noticed the knuckle-dragging end of the political spectrum having anything resembling a mute button. More of a Spinal Tap style volume knob set to 11 most of the time.
One thing that the toy castle boys do seem to be leading the field on is that they have announced a grand-sounding Remigration Conference. Well, more than that: a “Big Remigration Conference”. That certainly is a boast – though we suspect it will depend a lot on how stretchy they think they can make the word ‘big’.
“Our confident approach has attracted four high-profile speakers to this event,” brags Smith, though he fails to name three of them. This trio will be “an MP from one of Europe’s largest Nationalist parties’ (which could be anyone, though our money is on it being a rather threadbare Hungarian), “a UK media personality,” (who may be as high-profile as an ITV weather girl, but will more likely be a nonentity along the lines of Dan Wootton), and – are you holding your breath? – “a Homeland Party official.” Be still our pounding hearts!
The actual identities of these three will be announced at weekly intervals during February in some sort of triptych of mounting anticlimax. But lest you all cry ‘Meh!’ at this feeble appeal for attendees (£40 a head, but note that this includes tea, coffee, cakes and pastries, so it’s not all money down the drain), Beyond Human Ken is prepared to dangle his star speaker before your eyes.
And it is “Renaud Camus (pictured, top) , a literary giant from France best known for coining the term ‘the Great Replacement’.” No one, we think, would dispute that Camus – previously known as a socialist and writer of gay memoirs – shifted ground to become the originator of the theory of Le Grand Remplacement. His 2018 book You Will Not Replace Us may also ring bells. He was ‘permanently’ banned from Twitter in 2021, though he has been reinstated by Elon Musk. (No surprise there.)
Renaud Camus should not be confused with the true literary giant – winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, indeed – Albert Camus. The author of La Peste, Albert wrote about plague. He was not one of the rats carrying it.