In the 1980s, it was widely rumoured and widely believed that all you needed to get into a Mark 2 Ford Escort was an old tennis ball, an old car key, or plenty of will power. Today, it requires rather less to infiltrate Patriotic Alternative.
The latest disaster for the Collett / Melia combine is yet another undercover investigation into the UK’s largest neo-fascist political group, assuredly not a political party (well, that’s what Laura Melia says), by those documentary making villains the BBC. A BBC infiltrator spent a year in the group secretly recording some of the most vile racist and violent language being used in private by its members and supporters.
Blair Cottrell, an Australian nazi who was a guest speaker at the PA national conference in October, was recorded comparing Africans to dogs and saying he would have black criminals skinned alive and their bodies hung from traffic lights.
One supporter, Roger Philips, was allegedly recorded saying he intended to buy a pump action shotgun, sawing off the barrel and modifying ammunition to ‘defend himself’ against migrants.
Some of the most damning material may not even make it to the small screen, finding its way instead into the hands of the authorities. The powers that be, Police, Special Branch, and associated intelligence agencies hardly need an invitation to look once again with sharp focus at Patriotic Alternative.
Since its inception, this ragbag of racists, fascists and criminals has spawned many a terrorist wannabe. Indeed, convictions have been many and varied. Even Sam Melia, one of the powers behind the Collett throne, currently back home after recently being released from prison, was a full on supporter of National Action, the terrorist group shut down by the government.
In the last 48 hours, panic has spread throughout the ranks of PA. “Yet another expose,” they’re saying.
Collett has tried to draw the sting of the programme by posting online a covert recording of the blustering interview he did with the BBC, but even that has just led to others on the far right burying their heads in their hands in despair.
Our inbox is full of complaints. Yes, Searchlight staff sometimes feel like unpaid counsellors when whingeing fascists contact us to tell us how much they hate Mark Collett. Not only because he has zero personality or charisma, but because he’s a bloody useless leader. Egotistical, unfriendly, bigoted to the core, entitled to supporters’ money, and, most interestingly, untouched by the authorities.
There is a widely held view that, at some time in the past, possibly as early as his fall out with Nick Griffin nearly 20 years ago when an upstart young BNP prospect, he went native.
Did a deal. Sold out. Whatever the case, if and when this happened, we can categorically state that Collett does not, and has not, worked for us.
On a practical note, what kind of security is in place within PA? So many infiltrations. So many investigations. Collett is a disaster and yet, for reasons unknown to political commentators and psychiatrists everywhere, people still give him money. Worse, they trust him.
2024 was the biggest year of grift yet with Collett and Laura Melia using the Farage riots to raise money, this coming on the back of a big grift for so called political prisoner, sorry, criminal scumbag and terrorist wannabe, Sam Melia.
By the sound of things, with this latest PA farce and a desperate Collett releasing the recording of a BBC interview on his various social media channels, the membership are very fed up. Defections to the Homeland Party and Alek Yerbury’s National Rebirth Party are, we understand, imminent. All we have to say to PA members who want to speak to us is this, leave. Get out.
Don’t waste your time in fascist politics, especially within a group run by such an obvious fraud as Mark Adrian Collett. You’ll take the rap, and the heat, for his criminal and racist associations. Do you really want to spend a day more inside a group whose leader is connected to the most extreme, criminal, violent and dangerous neo nazis on planet earth?
No, we think not.
Talk to us and we’ll help you get out and out for good.