Eight people have been found guilty of numerous crimes including deliberate attacks on refugee shelters in Germany, DW reports. After a yearlong trial, the legal points hinged on the very nature of the group’s structure and intent. The Dresden Higher Regional Court on Wednesday found seven men and one woman who formed the “Freital Group” […]
German Nazis fail to save terrorist Horst Mahler from prison
Horst Mahler will be known to most long-time anti-fascists and readers of Searchlight as a man who has spent a lifetime as an active terrorist and the guru for thousands of hardline National Socialists and those who frequent up-and-coming extreme-right groups around the world. His father, a man of the cloth, was an underground opponent of the […]
Holocaust-denying German lawyer Horst Mahler on the run – now arrested in Hungary
STOP PRESS 15 May at 17.45 News has emerged in the past hour that Mahler has been arrested in Hungary and intends to ask Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for political asylum. One of Germany’s most notorious Holocaust deniers, once loyal to leftist terrorist group RAF, has left the country despite having another jail term to […]
Thuringia to check potential neo-Nazi connection in second child murder
The discovery of a neo-Nazi’s DNA near the body of a murdered girl has authorities re-examining other crimes from the past. The state of Thuringia says it will be taking another look at a second unsolved child murder, writes DW. Thuringia state premier Bodo Ramelow has said criminal investigations will be expanded after DNA from […]
Far-Right blamed as entrance to mosque in Germany bricked up
Muslims living in a small town in northern Germany were shocked to find someone had bricked up the entrance to their mosque during the night, Justin Huggler reported in The Daily Telegraph on 30 August. Those gathering for prayers last Friday in the town of Parchim found the door to the mosque jammed with concrete […]
Number of neo-Nazi rock concerts on the rise in Germany
The first half of 2016 has already seen some 98 far-right musical events in Germany, with some concerts drawing thousands of fans, according to Die Welt. Authorities have warned that such events serve as recruitment tools, Deutsche Welle reported on 20 August 2016. Of that total, around 40 were rock concerts and 49 Liederabende, where right-wing extremist singers […]