A long planned trip to the UK by one of the world’s leading Holocaust deniers ended in chaos. And the very next day he popped his jackboots. Robert Faurisson’s extreme-right hosts had put in place a massive security effort for his visit to Shepperton, the town where he was born to a French father and […]
Holocaust denial
Scuffles break out after YouTube star is found guilty of denying Holocaust
Scuffles broke out outside a court where a YouTube star who denied the Holocaust in her pop songs was convicted of creating ‘grossly offensive’ material, Martine Berg Olsen wrote in Metro on 25 May. Alison Chabloz, 53, who mocked Holocaust survivors and described Auschwitz as a ‘theme park’, is due to be sentenced on 14 June for making […]
Historical revisionist honoured by Polish Ministry of Education
This article is contributed by Jacob Fleming, Searchlight’s Polish correspondence At the end of September, Tomasz Panfil, who is employed by the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN), wrote an article for Gazeta Polska, a newspaper owned by Law And Justice societies. He claimed that after the German aggression against Poland in 1939, the situation of […]
Holocaust-denying German lawyer Horst Mahler on the run – now arrested in Hungary
STOP PRESS 15 May at 17.45 News has emerged in the past hour that Mahler has been arrested in Hungary and intends to ask Prime Minister Viktor Orbán for political asylum. One of Germany’s most notorious Holocaust deniers, once loyal to leftist terrorist group RAF, has left the country despite having another jail term to […]
Hungary blocks more than 20 websites for Holocaust denial
The World Jewish Congress has reported a statement by the Budapest chief prosecutor that a Budapest court has ordered the temporary shutdown of nearly two dozen websites that carry content denying the Holocaust. The websites sell the Hungarian edition of a Swedish author’s book that denies the Holocaust and other crimes committed by the Nazi […]