If you thought that the sordid world of UKIP was, well, as sordid as it might get, then you are sadly mistaken.
The latest extraordinary development is the distribution in Wellingborough, which goes to the polls in a Parliamentary by-election on Thursday, of a leaflet calling for a vote for the UKIP candidate, Geoff Courtenay. He is the miserable specimen who once argued, publicly, that calling someone a p**i was the same as abbreviating ‘sandwich’ to ‘sarnie’.
“Now you may think there is little chance of me winning this seat and becoming your MP…” the leaflet says, and this is certainly the case given that neither Courtenay, nor anyone else, has actually been nominated to stand for UKIP in the constituency.
Echoes here, of course, of Paul Golding’s screw up with the Britain First candidacy in Rochdale, where it was announced that BF were running only for Golding to forget to get the nomination papers in on time.
So, what is going on? Well, perhaps not so much incompetence as sabotage, if we consider this alongside the party’s other by-election campaign in Bristol, Kingswood. There, a UKIP candidate was duly nominated but has since gone on the missing list. Curiously, that candidate is not Ben Walker, who lives a mere 20-odd miles from the constituency, but Mr Nick Wood, an unknown parachuted in from 150-mile away Surrey. Even so, Wood has refused to be interviewed and didn’t show up for a BBC televised debate.
The theory circulating amongst party dissidents is that the last thing that UKIP Chairman Ben ‘Rogue Builder’ Walker can risk at the moment is loose cannon candidates (let alone himself) having to field questions about recently departed Deputy Leader Rebecca Janes’s resignation salvo of allegations about Walker’s behaviour (“he just wanted to get me into bed…”) or about the mysterious trust (sole trustee Ben Walker) which now appears to control the company which owns UKIP.
So, the theory goes, Courtenay was not nominated – though he ploughed on blissfully unaware of being stabbed in the back – and Wood has been given strict instructions to keep out of sight, or at least out of range of potentially embarrassing questions.
And now Walker’s plans for the Leader succession look set to cause havoc. His favourite, the lightweight anti-net zero and pro-car campaigner Lois Perry, who he has presented as a shoo-in, will be challenged after all by Ann Marie Waters, the anti-Muslim bigot who rejoined the party only last year and is its Justice Spokesperson.
Rivals: Ann Marie Waters and Lois Perry
Walker has made it clear he will block Waters if she is elected, while she is telling people that if she wins, she will immediately sack him and replace him with one of her supporters, as would be her constitutional right. She does not appear to realise, however, the significance of the mysterious Walker-run Trust, or why that might make him defend his position like a demented ferret.
There could be blood on the mat.
Non-Demented Ferret says
I am empowered to represent the Association of Ferrets, demented or not.
WE deeply resent you likening us in any way to that simply hideous, dishonest, dishonourable skunk, the Cam Parish Councillor and ex Royal Navy stores clerk, Ben Walker JP.
As apex predators, WE have high standards
WE are not vermin.
As compensation WE expect from you within one (1) week a full written apology, addressed to all ferrets, and a half-gallon of freshly-squeezed blood from farmyard rats.
That of sewer or embezzler rats is not acceptable.
Leading Semen says
“Mr Nick Wood, an unknown parachuted in from 150-mile away Surrey. Even so, Wood has refused to be interviewed and didn’t show up for a BBC televised debate. The theory circulating amongst party dissidents is that the last thing that UKIP Chairman Ben ‘Rogue Builder’ Walker can risk at the moment is loose cannon candidates (let alone himself) having to field questions about recently departed Deputy Leader Rebecca Janes’s resignation salvo of allegations about Walker’s behaviour (“he just wanted to get me into bed…”) or about the mysterious trust (sole trustee Ben Walker) which now appears to control the company which owns UKIP.”
The theory could be on the money. This Wood failed to reply to yet another request for an interview. In spite of this outlet covering his election blurb sympathetically —
Wood apparently refused them an interview too —
“We have not received a response to our request for an interview with Nicholas Wood.”
Alternatively, the channel may have contacted “UKIP Head Office” with the request for Wood, and it would not have been passed on.
This Walker doesn’t get it that by trying to muzzle everyone, it becomes more obvious that he is hiding something big.
Could there be even more than the sordid allegations if not facts about sexually inappropriate conduct, corruption, bribery, vanishing legacies, bullying, election-rigging, rogue building, tax fiasco, “saw active service in the Afgan War” which could have the Royal Navy Press Office 0207 218 7907 mailto:ddc-pr-news@mod.gov.uk well and truly confused, etc? Truth will out.
One-Eyed Jacks ( says
Parachutist ukrap leader Lois Perry’s Valentine https://twitter.com/LoisPerry26/status/1757363543911841955 is an “intriguing” puzzle to her; she or her followers seem to think it’s Andre Walker?
Elliott Johnson, who at the ripe old age of 21 killed himself on train tracks on September 15 2015, left a suicide note accusing Andre Walker, who later claimed he was in a homosexual relationship with the late lad till the day he took his own life, of “betraying” him. Johnson’s tragic death was apparently precipitated by bullying and blackmail threats by “Tatler Tory” Mark Clarke, with Andre eagerly assisting.
Tory Walker was already infamous for his alleged association in 2010 with a notorious smear operation to “inject poison” into the career of fellow Tory Alison Knight, deputy leader of The Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead. The audio is shocking.
Why would Andre Walker, who is gay, send Lois a Valentine card?
In view of the Bristol postmark, isn’t it likely Lois has got the wrong Walker?
Her ”winning” the ukcrap leadership, a shoo-in, was already hinted at by Returning Officer Ben Leg-Over, rubbing salt into Rebecca Jane’s wounds.
Does Botox in such grievous excess blunt the intellect?
LS says
The BBC was not the only one shunned by Nicholas Wood’s Kings Wood campaign, see https://www.theweekin.co.uk/news/politics/123743. How odd, usually candidates are desperate for press coverage.
Someone put up weekend photos of Wood’s ragtag band of leafleters in the constituency, how embarrassing, it reminded me of the inmates’ day-release outing in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
Party Chairman Nurse Ratched wasn’t there, but then, the recently resigned Deputy Leader explained he’s now preoccupied with a fresh new target for his “personal desires”.
@One-Eyed Jacks
In November Ben WALKER emailed me a UKIP invite, a steal @ £60, to a ”3-course set dinner” with the same André WALKER, starring in
which probably explains why even the Cons and Reform won’t touch him with a quant.
Two WALKERS in UKIP, is two WALKERS too many.
Does Anna Waters, the Irish Boudicca, have a broom big enough to clear out grubby grifters? If yes my spouse and I will take our chances voting for her, but she must make sure no Walker gets anywhere close to the ballot-counting, or she’ll be swindled.
LS says
UKIP is a rotting corpse kept ‘alive’ only for fraud (money).
@One-Eyed Jacks
It is funny when UKIP. which means Walker, keeps on accusing other parties of being undemocratic.
When in October-21 we got an email that in UKIP’s so-called ‘election’ for party leader, the candidate who was NOT a disgraced liar conman perjurer and cheat managed only 21%, and the one who is notorious for all of those got 79%, was it even necessary to read to the bottom and see that the returning officer was BALLOT-STUFFING WALKER?
There haven’t even been any National Executive Council elections for many years, the number of applicants is never more than the vacancies, the grifter blocks any not to his liking, and no one sane wants to be kickingboy for a degenerate.
Now where has all the MONEY LEFT TO UKIP IN WILLS gone, WALKER?
Bolted Beamish says
I’ve been thrown off of the UKIP Activists group, and told to renew my membership, by sinister greedy sleazy slimeball “Wanker” who runs, crappily, every aspect of micrUKIP.
This UNELECTED shadowy ‘party national chairman” appoints naive inexperienced attractive young women to senior party positions because he wants to get them into bed, in return for even higher or renumerated positions. Allegedly, but Rebecca Jane gave her personal experience, other evidence and promises to deliver more.
Aided by the decrepit immoral “Nan” and “Blundwin”, pal of notorous convicted brothelkeeping madam Vanessa Colman, Wanker’s alleged feeders and procurers, he transformed UKIP.
Transformed In to A WhoreHouse.
Even smuttily referring to Nigel’s ex Annabelle Fuller in a mankini double act.
Time’s overripe for UKIP’s “Free Boobs Wanker” to get his comeuppance.
Bolted Beamish says
UKIP’s crooked Ben Walker’s ”patriotism” is as real as the ”active service” the grifter claims he saw in the Royal Navy.
Walker Mitty’s entire career in the RN was spent safely rearranging paperclips in the stores department, usually onboard ”ships” that are ”shore establishments”. 🙂
Bully boyo’s other claims are BS too.
As real UKIP Activists know, his “design consultantcy” is a front to explain where all his enormous newfound wealth comes from.
Stealing from dead people.
The Bradley Stoker says
Even worse than I expected from him. He does seem to have become deranged. Who in their right minds still stays associated with him.
But it sounds as if, after a career of fifteen years and possibly hundreds of victims of his dishonesty, cruel bullying, frauds, justice is finally creeping up on this rogue?
I promise to visit him regularly if the prison is nearby. Even if it isn’t. (:
BG says
A once great party that could have been a rallying call against this evil global new world order that casts its dark depraved and degenerate genetically modified shadow over what should be green sunlit uplands. Can these filthy stinking rat like saboteurs left behind by the swivel-eyed puppet and his masters ever be cleaned out of ukip? God willing life will return once again to ukip’s bones. Hold fast!
The Bradley Stoker says
Yes BG you nailed it, there’s something rodentlike about Ben Walker. Giving him full charge of ukip’s finances is like putting a thieving rat in charge of a grain store.
Where have all the inheritances and donations gone, Walker, you crook?????
The Bradley Stoker
not a strop......this is serious...... says
Thrilled to learn Lois heeded warnings but hope she hadnt already paid him £1500. She deserves so much better than to be a plaything.
The vulnerable lady groomed at conference had already been mistreated by GMP which I personally know is filled with perverts. She needs talking to.
Tragically TalkTV sealed its own fate when it allowed the pest on to lie and spin and didnt question him about why there was a vacancy.
Will the Party honour his tapped new leader by changing its mascot to an unshaven golly-wog in a bomba jacket?
I was daft..but no longer.