The cancellation of the Traditional Britain Group annual Xmas event in London last weekend has kicked off a bitter blame game on the far right, with accusation of betrayal made against one of the far right’s most prominent figures.
The fact that the secret venue of the meeting became known to their opponents is being attributed not to intrepid work by anti-fascists but to duplicity with the ranks of the far right itself. And the man at whom fingers are being pointed is none other than Patriotic Alternative boss Mark Collett (below) who had already fallen out with TBG and increasingly has the hump that they are cosying up to his bitter rivals in the Homeland Party.

Indeed, the fact that recent Homeland Party recruit Pete North was the guest speaker at the TBG event, thus raising their profile even more within the ranks of the far right, only added to Collett’s unhappiness.
It is being claimed that he personally gave permission to a PA member to leak the address.
Homeland was formed out of a breakaway from PA two years ago, and is led by former BNP and PA officer Kenny Smith. Some PA regional branches were virtually wiped out by defections and unlike PA, Homeland is currently increasing its membership.
But UKIP ‘leader’ Nick Tenconi is also coming in for a share of the blame for TBG’s humiliation. Heritage and Destiny, the self-styled nazi ‘intellectual’ magazine, is already pointing out that in recent years the far right have been able to hold their events without much in the way of physical disruption, unlike during the 1980s and 1990s, and that the TBG cancellation marks a departure from that.
Tenconi’s gang attack on a Stand Up To Racism meeting, in an Aldershot church the week before (below), is being seen as ill-considered and reckless, and threatens to start a tit-for-tat war that the fascists don’t particularly relish.

The row has also resurrected gossip among the far right about how Collett often avoids the handcuffs while those around him end up in the excrement. Though doubtless it is his proficiency at karaoke, rather than anything else, that has earned him the nickname ’Canary Collett’.