UKIP ‘Leader’ (he’s still unelected) Nick Tenconi has go the hump that a meeting he was due to address in Southampton has been cancelled. It is, he says, all down to left-wing intimidation.
As usual he’s lying.
He booked the venue (The View Bar) as ‘Nick’ for ‘After Work Drinks’ So, not unreasonably, when the pub discovered it was booked under false pretences, they shut it down. And good for them.

Tenconi, as we know, is now best bae with ‘Tommy Robinson’ with whom he is enjoying (at a distance given that TR is banged up) a far-right-handed ‘bromance’. We wonder how long it will be before it becomes a brotherly threesome…
But he plans to return to S’ton in the New Year, and is full of body-building bluster: “We will be returning to Southampton in January. We will meet the soldiers of anarchy and chaos head on. “There will be no mercy, no diplomacy, and no surrender shown to domestic terrorists. The battle rages on and victory in war will be ours.”
Yeah, yeah, yeah… And Southampton’s anti-fascists will be ready for you.