Well, those nazi ‘intellectual’ poseurs at Heritage and Destiny magazine are getting themselves into a right lather over the Traditional Britain gig in London that was called off last weekend when anti-fascists turned up outside, sporting a banner saying (wonderfully) ‘Fuck Off Posh Nazis’.
They say; “It’s too early to say whether last night’s thuggery was a one-off, or whether nationalists must again become accustomed to defending our own events using whatever means are necessary, rather than relying on the authorities to uphold the law”.

OK – so let’s just remember that only a few days earlier a gang of UKIP thugs led by party ‘leader’ Nick Tenconi invaded and attacked a Stand Up To Racism public meeting in a church in Aldershot, where people were actually physically assaulted.
If the far right really don’t want their meetings targeted, they shouldn’t start a pissing contest.
They will lose.