Back in 2018, UKIP began tearing itself apart when party leader Gerard Batten appointed Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, aka Tommy Robinson, as the party’s ‘grooming’ adviser. Batten, who had only recently become leader, was passionately anti-Islam and wanted to move the party firmly in that direction. But an association with the likes of Yaxley-Lennon was too much […]
Nick Tenconi
After the Southport killings – who is responsible for the racist riots?
Who is behind the anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and, when all said and done, just plain racist riots that have spreading across the UK over the last couple of days? Fascist groups including Patriotic Alternative and Britain First, who have done their damnedest to incite such angry racism for years, are secretly whooping with delight at what […]
UKIP – an onward march to the gutter and oblivion
It really is becoming bit embarrassing reporting on the latest absurd goings on in that retirement home for right wing geriatrics and conspiracy nut jobs that goes by the name of the United Kingdom Independence Party as it continues its journey into the gutter of politics and oblivion. As we have recently reported, members have […]
Far right pulling out the stops for Robinson’s rally
Britain’s far right is falling in behind the Luton leprechaun ‘Tommy Robinson’ to build his 27 July rally in Trafalgar Square. Amongst those gathered this week in an office in Fleet St to discuss how to promote the event were Laurence ‘Looza’ Fox, Katie Hopkins, Calvin Robinson, UKIP leader Nick Tenconi, former leader Gerard Batten, […]
Knives being sharpened after extreme right election disaster
By Paul Gale As the dust settles on an election campaign which for them was universally catastrophic, the UK’s extreme right is licking its wounds and eyeing up potential targets for blame. The main factor behind their dire performance, of course, was the involvement of Reform UK especially after Farage announced his candidacy in Clacton […]