UKIP leader Neil ‘Liar and Cheat’ Hamilton, with anti-migrant campaigners at Stradey Park Hotel in Llanelli
Having stirred up the racist pot in Llanelli, which they claim now hosts their largest branch in the country, UKIP is trying to capitalise by holding a ‘general election hustings’ in the town at the end of the month and has issued a challenge to other parties to attend.
Well, firstly, it’s fair to say that even given their recent growth in the town – centred on a campaign against asylum seekers being housed in the Stradey Park Hotel – they really don’t have the weight locally to insist that other parties trot along at their beck and call – and so far, it looks like none will.
They have been put off, amongst many other things, by UKIP’s choice of venue: they are back at Stamps, a city centre bar for which, as we wrote a few weeks ago, they seem to have a fondness. It hosted their “Unite the far right” meeting last August, when Ann Marie Waters spoke along with party leader Neil ‘Liar and Cheat’ Hamilton.
But it’s a place with a bit of a reputation as well: Ethan Smith, its Director, had difficulty re-opening the place after the Covid lockdowns. He tried to bring in his chum Jordan Parry as bar manager. That fell apart when it was discovered that Parry’s probation conditions wouldn’t allow it: he was fresh out of jail for his part in a major cocaine importation conspiracy.
Then Smith tried to transfer the license to another friend, Aaron Coelho, but police objected on the basis that Coelho’s sister had also been involved in the cocaine importation and was, in fact, the girlfriend of the principal villain in the case.
Ethan Smith himself has 12 convictions for various offences, though he was not involved in the drugs case and claims to be “a reformed character”.
All the same, UKIP clearly feel at home there.
An additional embarrassment, arising since UKIP’s success in milking anti-migrant fears in the town, is the court appearance of Voice of Wales (VoW) founder Dan Morgan. VoW is little more than a UKIP surrogate, and Morgan was being touted as the party’s Llanelli candidate in the next general election. Until, that is, his recent conviction as one of the main culprits in a massive PPI-refund call centre scam which robbed hundreds of victims of many hundreds of thousands of pounds.
The trail judge described the call centre operation as a “deliberate, planned fraud carefully structured and fraudulent from its inception”.
Voice of Wales website, unashamed, still features Dan Morgan (left)
Morgan, to widespread surprise, was sentenced only to 6 months in prison suspended for 12 months. UKIP have, so far, remained silent on the matter.
And no survey of UKIP in south Wales would be complete without an update on activist and former councillor Paul Dowson, from Pembroke. Dowson, a regular feature in the party’s racist campaign just up the road in Llanelli, was recently convicted for working as a security guard at a pub in Tenby without a license.
Not the most serious offence in the world, you might think, but in sentencing him to over £3000 in costs and fines, the magistrates may have had an eye to his previous convictions, which include assault causing actual bodily harm, possessing a controlled drug (twice), driving whilst disqualified, obtaining property by deception and possessing a class B drug.
His career as a UKIP councillor came to a sorry halt in August 2022, when he was disbarred from holding public office for three years for spreading false and scurrilous allegations against his opponents.
All par for the course in the increasingly sordid world that is UKIP…
Further afield, preparations are in hand for UKIP’s upcoming Patrons’ Dinner in London on 9 December, where the guest speaker is none other than Talk TV right wing gobshite Andre Walker.
Walker is best known for his role in the investigation into the suicide of Tory activist Elliott Johnson in September 2015. Johnson, who was in a relationship with Walker at the time, took his own life after being bullied by another Tory activist, Mark Clarke, a former Parliamentary candidate.
In a suicide note he accused Clarke of bullying him and Andre Walker of “betraying” him. Walker was secretly recorded telling Johnson that he was a ‘fucking dickhead’ for making a complaint about Clarke’s behaviour to the party.
A few years earlier Walker had been forced to resign as a political adviser to the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead after a fellow train passenger recorded him having a phone conversation where he talked of organising a smear campaign to get rid of the deputy leader of the council.
All round nice chap, then…
Bradley Stoker says
I wonder if UKIP’s Andre Walker is related to the notorious convicted crook Ben Walker who has managed to become a magistrate as well as the Chairman of UKIP?
Tiverton and Honiton CA says
Seems like I get an email every week from the grifter but after a batch of three he stopped plastering “J.P.” on them.
With his track record of lying about his seedy past, could it be he never was really confirmed as one? Or has he been disciplined or expelled?
With his brass neck falsifying his naval record, could be he mixed it up with his navel one, almost any thing is possible!
From the scumbags rant Angelfire Website, imagine grotesquely exaggerating one’s rank, imagine pretending to have seen active service for the Royal Navy in land-locked Afghanistan, when the closest he got to any action was on pretend-vessels (“shore establishments”?) or a thousand miles away in the safety of Qatar, imagine doing that when from the day one joined to the day he was discharged frrom the navy one served only in the Stores Department, first as a Stores Accountant (a Private) then as a Leading Stores Accountant (a Corporal or lower), imagine claiming a role in the Falklands when the war ended in 1982 and one was born in 1978.
If you cannot imagine it, that is only because you are not Benjamin Lee Walker. The acorn didn’t stray too far from the oak.
The coward never showed for the 2022 Hustings where we had copies supplied by RN.
Royal Toff says
Can’t believe some people don’t yet get it.
The United Kingdom Independence Party has for years been nothing but a scam, pretending to still be a political party so that the two notorious scamming liars running it can pinch more legacies bequests and donations left to by elderly senile confused people who may be dead.
A new Trust set up in 2021 fully controls UKIP and is solely controlled by one person, convicted rogue builder and fraudster Ben Walker, who isn’t even a Company Director of UKIP.
The Trust funnels the loot to Walker J.P., who holds all the positions and power in the Party while others just have meaningless titles.
All the information is out there if you look for it.
Can’t believe some people don’t yet see the scam for what it is.